Fuel poverty scheme helps just 1.5% of households in Renfrewshire
The Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme, Warmer Homes Scotland, has helped only 1.5% of households in Renfrewshire since its launch in 2015.
Cllr Hannigan is an active community campaigner for Paisley Southwest. Anne was elected in May 2022 to be the Councillor for Paisley Southwest, replacing long time Scottish Liberal Democrat councillor for the area Councillor Eileen McCartin.
She has lived in Paisley for over a decade so knows what matters to local residents. Anne has over three decades of experience in retail services, having previously worked as a finance and administration manager and as a director of a medium sized business.
Anne’s politics are about putting people first and unlocking the potential for local government to make all of our lives better.
Anne serves on a number of council boards which include the Planning and Climate Change Policy Board and Education and Children's Services Policy Board along with being a council representative on the board of One Ren.
The Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme, Warmer Homes Scotland, has helped only 1.5% of households in Renfrewshire since its launch in 2015.
Renfrewshire Liberal Democrats are calling for the two child limit on benefit payments, introduced by the Conservative Government in 2017 and supported by the current Labour Government, to be scrapped.
Anne Hannigan, councillor for Paisley Southwest, was delighted to hear that plans to merge a pair of day services for adults with learning disabilities were rejected by the IJB.
Full details can be found on the council website.
Resident and Council work queries: cllr.anne.hannigan@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Non-Council work queries: info@renfrewshirelibdems.org.uk
If Councillor Hannigan is unable to take your call please leave a message.
Telephone: 0300 300 1275